Research Group

A bibliography of relevant articles.

Baltic (post)colonialism
  • Kalev Kukk, On Economic and Geographical Development of Estonia in 1945–1990. – A. Kull (ed), Publications of the Estonian Geographical Society VI. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1991.
  • Violeta Kelertas, Perceptions of the Self and the Other in Lithuanian Postcolonial Fiction. - World Literature Today, vol 72, no 2, 1998, pp 253-261.
  • Colin W. Mettam; Stephen Wyn Williams, Internal Colonialism and Cultural Divisions of Labour in the Soviet Republic of Estonia. - Nations and Nationalities, vol 4, no 3, 1998, pp 363–388.
  • Karlis Racevskis, Toward A Postcolonial Perspective on the Baltic States. - Journal of Baltic Studies, vol 32, no 1, 2002, pp 37-56.
  • Tiina Kirss, Falling into History: Postcolonialism and Fin-de-Siecle in Ene Mihkelson’s 'Nime vaev'. – Interlitteraria, vol 5, 2000, pp 131–151.
  • Violeta Kelertas (ed), Baltic Postcolonialism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.
  • Karl E. Jirgens, Fusions of Discourse: Postcolonial/Postmodern Horizons in Baltic Culture. – Violeta Kelertas (ed), Baltic Postcolonialism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006, pp 45–82.
  • Ene-Reet Soovik, How Newness Enters a Country: Reception of the “Postcolonial” in Estonia. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, no 1, 2006, pp 161–173.
  • Piret Peiker, Postcommunist Literatures: A Postcolonial Perspective. – Eurozine, 28. III 2006.
  • Jerilyn Sambrooke, Narratives of Identity: A Postcolonial Rereading of Dalia Grinkevièiûtë’s 'Lithuanians by the Laptev Sea'. – Lituanus, vol 54, no 4, 2008.
  • Jerilyn Sambrooke, Struggling to Return Home: Post-Colonial Perspectives on Lithuanian Deportation. - Joshua Parker, Lucie Tunkrova, Mohamed Bakari (eds), Metamorphosis and Place. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp 219-232.
  • Epp Annus, The Problem of Soviet Colonialism in the Baltics. - Journal of Baltic Studies, vol 43, no 1, 2012, pp 21-45.
  • Linara Dovydaitytë, Art History and Postcolonialism: A Lithuanian Case. - Studies on Art and Architecture, vol 21, no 3-4, 2012, pp 94-105.
  • Maija Rudovska, Expired Monuments: Case Studies on Soviet-era Architecture in Latvia through the Kaleidoscope of Postcolonialism. – Studies on Art and Architecture, vol 21, no 3-4, 2012, pp 76-93.

Soviet colonialism (a selection)
  • John Comaroff, Humanity, Ethnicity, Nationality: Conceptual and Comparative Perspectives on the USSR. - Theory and Society, vol 20, no 5, 1991, pp 661-687.
  • Jörg Baberowski, Auf der Suche nach Eindeutigkeit: Kolonialismus und zivilisatorische Mission im Zarenreich und in der Sowjetunion. - Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol 47, no 4, 1999, pp 482–504.
  • The Soviet Empire: Colonial Practices and Socialist Ideology. - Russian Review, vol 59, no 2, 2000. [Discussion including several articles]
  • David Chioni Moore, Is the Post- in Postcolonial the Post- in Post-Soviet? Toward a Global Postcolonial Critique. - PMLA, vol 116, no 1, 2001, pp 111–128.
  • Katherine Verdery, Whither Postsocialism?. - C.M. Hann (ed), Postsocialism: Ideals, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia. London: Routledge, 2002, pp 15–28.
  • Empire, Union, Center, Satellite. The Place of Post-Colonial Theory in Slavic/ Central and Eastern European/ (Post-) Soviet Studies. A Questionnaire. - Ulbandus, vol 7, 2003, pp 5–25.
  • Henry F. Carey, Rafal Raciborski, Postcolonialism: A Valid Paradigm for the Former Sovietized States and Yugoslavia?. - East European Politics and Societies, vol 18, no 2, 2004, pp 191–235.
  • Mark von Hagen, Empires, Borderlands, and Diasporas: Eurasia as Anti-Paradigm for the Post-Soviet Era. - American Historical Review, vol 109, no 2, 2004, pp 445-468.
  • Vitaly Chernetsky, Nancy Condee, Harsha Ram, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Are We Postcolonial? Post-Soviet Space. – PMLA, vol 121, no 3, 2006, pp 828–836. [In: Forum: Conference Debates.]
  • Julie Buckler, What comes after “Post-Soviet” in Russian Studies?. – PMLA, vol 124, no 1, 2009, pp 251-263.

Balti ja Eesti (post)kolonialism [articles in Estonian]
  • Tiit Hennoste, Eesti kirjanduse keelest modernismi, postmodernismi ja postkolonialismi taustal. – Vikerkaar, nr 7, 2000, lk 69–79.
  • Tiina Kirss, Rändavad piirid: postkolonialismi võimalused. – Keel ja Kirjandus, nr 10, 2001, lk 673–682.
  • Eve Annuk, Totalitarismi ja/või kolonialismi pained: miks ja kuidas uurida nõukogude aega?. - Arvo Krikmann ja Sirje Olesk (toim), Võim & kultuur. Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, Eesti Kirjandusloo ja Folkloristika Keskus, 2003, lk 13-39.
  • Vikerkaar, nr 4–5, 2003. [Postkolonialismi erinumber.]
  • Tiit Hennoste, Postkolonialism ja Eesti. Väga väike leksikon. – Vikerkaar, nr 4–5, 2003, lk 85–100.
  • Piret Peiker, Ida-Euroopa kirjandus postkoloniaalsest vaatenurgast. – Vikerkaar, nr 10–11, 2005, lk 142–153.
  • Tiit Hennoste, Noor-Eesti kui lõpetamata enesekoloniseerimisprojekt. – Elo Lindsalu (toim), Noor-Eesti 100: kriitilisi ja võrdlevaid tagasivaateid. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2006, lk 9–38.
  • Epp Annus, Postkolonialismist sotskolonialismini. – Vikerkaar, nr 3, 2007, lk 64–76.
  • Aare Pilv, „Sa oled mul teine”. Teisesusest eesti kultuuri eneseanalüüsis. – Vikerkaar, nr 3, 2007, lk 77–92.
  • Epp Annus, Postkolonialismi pealetung post-sovetoloogias: kas paradigmamuutuse künnisel?. - Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, nr 7, 2011, lk 10–25.
  • Jaak Kangilaski, Lisandusi postkolonialismi diskussioonile. - Kunstiteaduslikke uurimusi, nr 1–2, 2011, lk 7–25.
  • Sille Kapper, Pärimus ja jäljendus. Postkolonialistlik katse mõista rahvatantsu olukorda Eesti NSV-s ja pärast seda. - Methis, nr 7, 2011, lk 122–135.