
4. Keyboard

The Estonian keyboard standard is based on the ISO 9995 standard and on the IBM manual "National Language Support Reference Manual. Volume 2". The keyboard may include several layers or groups. The standard regulates only the Estonian language layer. The Estonian keyboard includes three levels:
As a basis for the Estonian keyboard, the Finnish and Swedish keyboard was chosen (according to the "National Language Support Reference Manual. Volume 2" keyboard layout 153), where the keys E00, D11, D12, C11 and C12 were altered. This new version introduces one more change (key D03) to support Euro.

The arrangement of characters on the keyboard is as follows:

klaviatuur, joonis

The coding uses the following coordinates:

- the key rows are designated from bottom to top as B-row, C-row, D-row, E-row;
- in every row, the keys have the succession numbers 00-12.
- for every key, the position of the characters corresponds to the level:
      L2 | 
      L1 | L3

The character SD21 (caron) "v" on the non-spacing key E00L1 does not exist in the Estonian code tables as a separate entry; it is used for generating characters with diacritics. The basic table does not contain characters SC01 (currency sign) and NF01 (vulgar fraction 1/2).

The following table defines the keyboard through coordinates of the keys. The table consists of three parts: the first part describes level 1 (L1), the second part level 2 and the third level 3 keys on the keyboard. In addition to the character, the table presents the GCGID code uniquely identifying the character. The Estonian letters LS22 S^, LS21 s^, LZ22 Z^ and LZ21 z^ are formed combining non-spacing caron with the letters S, s, Z and z. The non-spacing characters are placed on keys E00 and E12.

			B-		C-		D-		E-    

-00/L1		SA03	<					SD211	^
-01/L1		LZ01	z	LA01	a	LQ01	q	ND01	1
-02/L1		LX01	x	LS01	s	LW01	w	ND02	2
-03/L1		LC01	c	LD01	d	LE01	e	ND03	3  
-04/L1		LV01	v	LF01	f	LR01	r	ND04	4  
-05/L1		LB01	b	LG01	g	LT01	t	ND05	5  
-06/L1		LN01	n	LH01	h	LY01	y	ND06	6  
-07/L1		LM01	m	LJ01	j	LU01	u	ND07	7  
-08/L1		SP08	,	LK01	k	LI01	i	ND08	8  
-09/L1		SP11	.	LL01	l	LO01	o	ND09	9  
-10/L1		SP10	-	LO17	ö	LP01	p	ND10	0  
-11/L1				LA17	ä	LU17	ü	SA01	+  
-12/L1				SP05	’	LO19	õ	SD111	'  
-00/----L2	SA05	>					SD191	~  
-01/----L2	LZ02	Z	LA02	A	LQ02	Q	SP02	!  
-02/----L2	LX02	X	LS02	S	LW02	W	SP04	"  
-03/----L2	LC02	C	LD02	D	LE02	E	SM01	#  
-04/----L2	LV02	V	LF02	F	LR02	R	SC01	¤  
-05/----L2	LB02	B	LG02	G	LT02	T	SM02	%  
-06/----L2	LN02	N	LH02	H	LY02	Y	SM03	&  
-07/----L2	LM02	M	LJ02	J	LU02	U	SP12	/  
-08/----L2	SP14	;	LK02	K	LI02	I	SP06	(  
-09/----L2	SP13	:	LL02	L	LO02	O	SP07	)  
-10/----L2	SP09	_	LO18	Ö	LP02	P	SA04	=  
-11/----L2			LA18	Ä	LU18	Ü	SP15	?  
-12/----L2			SM04	*	LO20	Õ	SD131	‘	
-00/L3		SM13	¦
-01/L3		3
-02/L3				3				SM05	@  
-03/L3						SC162	euro	SC02	£  
-04/L3								SC03	$  
-07/L3								SM11	{  
-08/L3								SM06	[  
-09/L3								SM08	]  
-10/L3								SM14	}  
-11/L3				SD15	^			SM07	\  
-12/L3				NF01	½			SM24	§

1 Non-spacing key
2 The table provisionally uses the first free currency code (SC16) for Euro.
3 Some keyboards contain level 3 letters LS22 S^, LS21 s^, LZ22 Z^ and LZ21 z^ on these locations. The present standard does not require these characters to be present on these keys, but consideres this use widespread and established by practice.