[IES] Inglise-eesti masintõlkesõnastik

Päring: osas

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Leitud 34 artiklit

antipodal pointsdiameetrilised vastandpunktid

at swords' pointsvõitlusvalmis, nugadel, noatera peal

cardinal pointspõhiilmakaared

coastwiserannajoont mööda

from all points of the compassigast ilmakaarest

give points(mängus) ette andma, head nõu andma

go over the main pointspõhipunktid üle kordama

nul points(nalj) null punkti (totaalne läbipõrumine)

pointingosutav, suunav

pointlessmõttetu, eesmärgitu



princesse lointainekättesaamatu naiseideaal

see only the good points ofainult häid külgi nägema

Possession is nine points of the law.Kel vägi, sel võimu. || Kel kukkur, sel kohus. || Omandiõigus ongi suurem osa õigusest.

All evidence points to it

He felt his life was pointless

He loses points heavily when he...

He took them on a guided tour, proudly pointing out the town’s potentials

His points were simple and consistent

I am not going to give way over these points

I must concede much substance in your points

It is pointless

It is utterly pointless

Notification to the effect (pointing out)

Pointing at me

Pointing it to me

She looked in the direction at which he was pointing

The salient points of his speech

To clear up points of conflict

To overlook essential points

To score extra points

To tot up points

Two points stand out


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