Working Group on Romanization Systems

Resolutions page

Resolution VIII/13 (2002)

Romanization of Thai geographical names

The Conference,

Recognizing that, in its resolution 14, the First United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names had recommended the adoption of the modified general system of the Royal Institute of Thailand as the international system for the romanization of Thai geographical names,

Recognizing also that, in 2000, the Government of Thailand officially endorsed the revised version of this system as the national standard, and that it has been implemented,

Recommends that this revised system, the principles of which were set out in the report entitled “Principles of romanization for Thai script by the transcription method”,1 submitted by Thailand to the Eighth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, be adopted as the international system for the romanization of Thai geographical names.

1 – “Principles of Romanization for Thai script by the transcription method.” Submitted by Thailand to the Eighth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, 2002. E/CONF.94/INF.41.