[ITS] IT terministandardi sõnastik

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pööramatu krüpteerimine

ühesuunaline krüpteerimine (synonym)

Krüpteerimine, millega tekitatavast krüptogrammist ei saa reprodutseerida algseid andmeid.
Pööramatu krüpteerimine on kasulik autentimisel. Näiteks saab pööramatult krüpteerida parooli ning salvestada saadud krüptogrammi. Hiljem esitatav parool krüpteeritakse samal viisil pööramatult ning võrreldakse kahe krüptogrammi stringe. Kui need on identsed, on esitatud parool õige.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-8:1999 (kehtiv)


irreversible encryption

irreversible encipherment (synonym)

one-way encryption (synonym)

Encryption that produces ciphertext from which the original data cannot be reproduced.
Irreversible encryption is useful in authentication. For example, a password might be irreversibly encrypted and the resulting ciphertext stored. A password presented later would be irreversibly encrypted identically and the two strings of ciphertext compared. If they are identical, the presented password is correct.
EVS-ISO/IEC 2382-8:1999 (kehtiv)


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