12th Meeting of the Baltic Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names

12-е заседание Балтийского отдела (русская версия)

Kaliningrad, 16.-18.09.2008

Venue: Federal Baltic Aerial Survey Enterprise (photos: 1, 2, 3)

15. IX

Arrival of the participants of the UNGEGN Baltic Division meeting in Kaliningrad

16. IX

10.00–10.30 Registration of participants


Opening of the meeting, introduction of delegates, greetings from the organizing committee and other officials



  1. Discussion and adoption of the agenda of the meeting.
  2. Information on the national standardization of geographical names in countries in 2006–2008.
  3. Exchange of information and discussions on specific problems in the standardization of geographical names:
  4. Presentation of cartographic products, reference books and other materials on geographical names in participating countries.
  5. Information on the results of the Ninth UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names and the 24th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (New York, August 2007).
  6. Preparations for the 25th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (2009).
  7. Other matters.
  8. Discussion and adoption of the report of the meeting.

Information on the national standardization of geographical names in countries in 2006–2008

Radmil Šajapov (Радмил Шаяпов, RU). Информация о работах в области стандартизации географических названий, проведенных в Российской Федерации в период 2006–2008 гг. (Information on the activities related to the standardization of geographical names in the Russian Federation in 2006–2008)
Vita Strautniece (LV). Geographical names standardization in Latvia. Activities since the 10th Meeting of the Baltic Division of UNGEGN
Aule Kikas (EE). Work with Place Names in Estonia [.doc]
Irina Rudenko (Ирина Руденко, UA). Информация о работах, проведенных в Украине по стандартизации географических названий в 2006–2008 годах (Information on the activities related to the standardization of geographical names in Ukraine in 2006–2008)

Exchange of information and discussions on specific problems in the standardization of geographical names: legal, normative and methodological documents on geographical names

Marina Morozova (Марина Морозова, RU). Информация о проекте Федерального закона "О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон "О наименованиях географических объектов"" (Information on the draft federal law on changes in the Federal Law on Naming Geographical Features)
Aistė Pangonytė (LT). Лингвистические рекомендации по изменению названий типа железнодорожная станция [.doc] (Linguistic recommendations on changing names containing the term railway station)
Peeter Päll (EE). Инструкции по стандартизации географических названий в Эстонии [.doc] (Instructions on the standardization of geographical names in Estonia)
Nina Syvak (Нина Сивак, UA). Проблемы сохранения географических названий в Украине (Problems in the preservation of geographical names in Ukraine)

13.00–14.00 Lunch break at the café of the Baltic Aerial Survey Enterprise

National toponymic data files, registers and gazetteers

Vladimir Boginskij (Владимир Богинский, RU). Информация о состоянии работ по созданию Государственного каталога географических названий России (Information on the status of the National Catalogue of Geographical Names of Russia)
Vladimir Boginskij (Владимир Богинский, RU). Мониторинг официальных изменений в наименованиях географических объектов Российской Федерации с использованием Государственного каталога географических названий (Monitoring official changes of geographical names in the Russian Federation using the data of the National Catalogue of Geographical Names)
Ineta Rušmane (LV). Обработка топонимии для государственной топографической карты М 1 : 50 000 (Processing of toponyms for the national topographic map at scale 1 : 50,000)
Mall Kivisalu (EE). Estonian place names in state information system [.ppt]

Lists and usage of exonyms

Jūratė Palionytė (LT). Информация о "Словаре топонимов мира. Часть 2" [.doc] (Information on the Dictionary of World Place Names. Vol. 2)

Presentation of cartographic products, reference books and other materials on geographical names in participating countries

16.30–18.00 Dinner at the café of the Baltic Aerial Survey Enterprise

17. IX

08.00–08.30 Departure of the bus
08.00–11.00 Excursion in Kaliningrad
11.00–12.00 Travel into Kuršskaja Kosa
12.00–15.00 Excursion in Kuršskaja Kosa
15.00–19.00 Dinner in Morskoe restaurant in Kuršskaja Kosa
19.00–21.00 Return to Moskva Hotel

18. IX


Information on the results of the Ninth UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names and the 24th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (New York, August 2007)

Vladimir Boginskij (Владимир Богинский, RU). Информация об итогах работы девятой конференции ООН по стандартизации географических названий и двадцать четвёртой сессии Группы экспертов ООН по географическим названиям (Нью-Йорк, 2007 г.) (Information on the results of the Ninth UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names and the 24th Session of UNGEGN in New York, August 2007) (Annexes: agenda of the conference and adopted resolutions in Russian)

13.00–14.00 Lunch break at the café of the Baltic Aerial Survey Enterprise


Discussion and adoption of the report of the meeting.

16.30–20.00 Festive dinner at the café of the Baltic Aerial Survey Enterprise

19. IX

Departure of the participants of the meeting from Kaliningrad