LC_TELEPHONE % This is the 14652 et_EE fddc-set definition for % the LC_TELEPHONE category. % % %a are code without prefix (prefix is often <0>, <2> in Estonia). % %A are code including prefix (prefix is often <0>, <2> in Estonia). % %l local number. % %c country code % tel_int_fmt "<+><%><c><SP><SP><%><a><SP><%><l>" tel_dom_fmt "<%><l>" int_prefix "<3><7><2>" int_select "00" END LC_TELEPHONE
Parandus: tel_dom_fmt asendatud %a %A-ga.

Starting with 2004-04-01 all domestic numbers are used without area codes. Telephone numbers in Estonia consist of 7-8 digits.
tel_dom_fmt "<(><%><)><%>"
int_select "<8>"